Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Hyper-Calvinism, a quick thought on it.

Discussing the Doctrines of Grace can be frustrating at times, especially when this system of theology is more caricatured than any other I've encountered.

However, sometimes when fighting the caricature that is presented as Calvinism, it gets tempting to come off the straight and narrow to get some sense to those around you.

Sometimes, the attitude of Christians towards those who believe Calvin best systematized the scriptures (though only God has the true systematization of scripture, as He is the author of it, from beginning to end) males it seem like that they are not Christians. I have personally encountered this, and sometimes, the thought crossed my mind in discussing with them that they were not true Christians, despite the fact that they otherwise behaved as thoguh they were. Though in this one instance, I found that the person held near Pelagian beliefs, I still have had to wrestle with my pride, in the sense that those who have felt God grace in seeing salvation from His view, and I have, making it seem like I was one the the few who understood Calvinism and was saved because of it.

Now understand, I know that I am saved by the grace of God, and that my Arminian brothers are as well. I am only stating that my old nature causes me to wrestle with the belief that only "Calvinists" are saved. It get tough sometimes, especially when it seems that the world is against you. I pray for peace within the church, especially on this issue. I have Arminian friends who seem farther along their walk than me, and I am glad that I have been able to be their friend and am accepted by them as a brother in Christ despite our theological differences. It's quite unfortunate that some have gone as far to say that Calvinists are not saved, as some of the most godly men have been Calvinists. But then again, so were some Arminians.